




私たちは今年頂いた祝福を数え上げ、預言者が教えられたことに思いを馳せながら、今まで以上に預言者の勧めに聞き従い、主のもとに来ることができるか考えてきました。この度、私たちステーク会長会は、ステークのテーマを「イエス・キリストと固く結ばれる~神殿の聖約と儀式を通して」にし、「Love, Share, Invite(愛し、分かち合い、招く)」をサブテーマにすることにしました。以下のネルソン大管長とべドナー長老のメッセージを今一度読んで頂きたいと思います。

「神殿の儀式とそこで交わす聖約は,皆さんの生活や夫婦関係,家族をより堅固なものとし,サタンの攻撃に抵抗する能力を高める鍵です。神殿で礼拝し,そこで先祖のために奉仕するとき,皆さんは祝福され,よりいっそうの啓示と平安を受け,聖約の道にとどまるという決意をさらに確固としたものにすることができます。」ともに前進するにあたり (churchofjesuschrist.org)

「わたしたちは,神聖な聖約と儀式について学び,それらをふさわしい状態で受け,尊ぶときに,救い主のくびきを負います。自分が受け入れた義務を忠実に覚え,それに従って生活しようと最善を尽くすとき,わたしたちは救い主と固く結ばれます。そして,主とのそのきずなこそが,人生のあらゆる時季に霊的な力の源となるのです。」神の力とをもって,大いなる栄光のうちに (churchofjesuschrist.org)




土門 淳平
工藤 雅道
柿木 尚人


Dear Members of the Tokyo Stake,

Time goes by quickly and we only have a few months left this year. How are you all doing? On July 3, President Eyring rededicated the Tokyo Temple, the House of the Lord. Elder Andersen, Elder Stevenson, and Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles also visited Japan. We have seen young brothers and sisters gain spiritual strength through FSY (For the Strength of Youth), YSA conference, and youth camps. We also had the opportunity to learn of our Savior Jesus Christ from the prophets and leaders at the general conference last weekend.

As we counted many blessings which we have received this year and pondered what the prophets taught us, we contemplated how we can better follow their counsel and come unto the Lord. We, the stake presidency, have decided to set the theme of our stake as “Bound securely to Jesus Christ through temple covenants and ordinances” with a sub-theme of “Love, Share, Invite.” We ask you to reread the following message from President Nelson and Elder Bednar.

“The ordinances of the temple and the covenants you make there are key to strengthening your life, your marriage and family, and your ability to resist the attacks of the adversary. Your worship in the temple and your service there for your ancestors will bless you with increased personal revelation and peace and will fortify your commitment to stay on the covenant path.” As We Go Forward Together (churchofjesuschrist.org)

“We take the Savior’s yoke upon us as we learn about, worthily receive, and honor sacred covenants and ordinances. We are bound securely to and with the Savior as we faithfully remember and do our best to live in accordance with the obligations we have accepted. And that bond with Him is the source of spiritual strength in every season of our lives.” With the Power of God in Great Glory (churchofjesuschrist.org)

We are so grateful for the dedication of the many brothers and sisters who serve as temple workers. Thank you also to all of you who are following President Nelson’s invitation to make time for the Lord in His holy House. If you have not yet had the opportunity to attend the rededicated Tokyo Temple, or if you do not have a temple recommend, please talk to your bishop or ministering brother or sister. The Lord Himself is inviting you to His temple, the House of the Lord.

Next stake conference will be held in the Temple Annex on December 3-4. Details will be announced at the stake website soon. We look forward to meeting you at this special opportunity to talk of, learn of, and rejoice in Jesus Christ.

October 16, 2022

Tokyo Stake Presidency
Junpei Domon
Masamichi Kudo
Naoto Kakiki

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